Holy Water (Agua Bendita)

Utilize Holy Water for Altar Cleansing, Purify Your Bath, or Safeguard Your Home from Malevolence and Negativity.

Using holy water to cleanse your home is a well-established spiritual tradition. This practice often entails sprinkling or splashing holy water throughout your living space or on particular items or zones that require purification. The motivations behind this ritual are diverse and can encompass:

Spiritual Properties of Holy Water:

  • Purification,
  • Protection,
  • Blessing
  • Banish Demons
  • Healing

Great for transporting holy water or just use it for convenient storage

4oz Plastic Bottle

How to Enhance Your Spiritual Practice with Holy Water:

Cleaning Your Home: Sprinkle or splash holy water in every room to purify the space, banish negativity, and create a protective barrier against harmful influences. Bless your home, promoting peace and harmony.

Cleansing Your Ritual Tools: Submerge each tool in holy water, allowing it to soak for a few minutes, or sprinkle the water over them to cleanse away negative energy.

For Spiritual Bathing: Create a spiritual bath by adding holy water and Florida water to warm bathwater. Soak for 15 minutes, focusing on your intention, then rinse with clean water before disposing of the used bathwater.

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Love it as I use it I feel lighter and my place feels light as well.