Hanging Protection Charm

Our Archangel Protection is an effective way to ensure that your loved ones are safe from all harm. It's a beautiful handmade necklace that features a small angel charm on a hexagon-shaped mirror to remind you that they're always close.

Angels are powerful beings who come to the aid of humans when they need protection, but what if these divine beings are just too busy to help you? Your guardian angels may have their hands full with other important tasks, or you might have done something that has offended them. For either reason, Archangel Protection provides the opportunity for you to ask for protection from other angels in need of assistance.

For more on how to use incense in ritual shop our books Magic with Incense and Powders. 

For more on how to work with Angels shop our books Angels:Companions in Magick by Silver RavenWolf

Dimensions: 11" in length x 1/4 inches wide approximately

Talismans to protect against jealousy, envy, and the evil eye are called "apotropaic talismans." This means that they turn away evil and harm. Many of these take the form of an eye, to misdirect the malevolent gaze. You can wear an evil eye necklace or bracelet the way you would any other piece of jewelry, and allow it to redirect negative energy. When a person wears or carries an evil eye with them, it guards against misfortune happening in one's life. The evil eye brings good luck and protects you from any ill-will that could otherwise have a negative effect on your well-being or your life in general.

When it comes to home defense there are a multitude of ways to go about this task, one of the ways is by charging a charm to act as a ward to protect your dwelling of psychic attacks, hexes, curses, jinxes thrown your way!
It’s best to shield your home from all points of entry if you’re prone to attacks.

It’s best to shield your home from all points of entry if you’re prone to attacks.

Hang this charm near a window to prevent anything coming into your home or hang near the front or back door. Photos are an example of what you will receive.

OPTIONS: You may purchased a blessed amulet or purchase it plain and use as is without it being charged.

**NOTE: When ordering a blessed charm please include Full Name & DOB of wearer or home owner in personalization box at checkout. It is the buyer's responsibility to submit requested information. Buyer be advised failure to submit full details requested will result in sending a plain item**

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