Money Release (Suelta El Dinero) when you are owed money, having trouble collecting money

Burn Money Release when you are owed a sum of money and are having trouble collecting the money. Can also be used when you feel like you have a block which is preventing money to flow freely towards you.

My recommendation is to utilize 1 Saint Candle (who you'll offer the petition to)San Judas and 2 other related candles which will add energy to the petition such as Pay Me, Block Buster, Double Fast Luck, Dragon's Blood, Money Rain. Burn at a quiet time, when you can concentrate on your desires. When lighting think/speak into candle your intention.

    .:Advisory:.This product is sold as a curio ONLY and we make absolutely NO CLAIMS or GUARANTEES that it will produce any tangible results whatsoever. Buyer assumes all responsibility for purchase and releases the seller from all liability. Sold for entertainment purposes ONLY. None of Shop Cosmic Healing's herbs, roots, or elements is meant for consumption or medical use.

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