Helping Yourself with Selected Prayers, Vol. 2

Now with 170 prayers! The prayers from Volume 2 come from diverse sources. Most originated in Roman Catholicism and can still be found in one form or another on the reverse of little pocket pictures of saints or in collections of popular prayers. Another source for these prayers is the French Spiritist movement begun in the 1800's by Allan Kardec which has become a force in Latin America under the name Espiritismo. The third source representing perhaps the most mystical magical and practical aspects of these prayers is found among the indigenous populations where Santeria has taken root.These prayers will provide a foundation upon which you can build your faith and beliefs. It is through this faith that your prayers will be fulfilled. The devotions within these pages will help you pray consciously vigorously sincerely and honestly. True prayer can only come from within yourself.

Includes over 170 prayers, photos and biographies of saints, suggested candle burning and appendix.

    Pub Date: Original Publications; Volume 1 edition (June 1, 2008)
    Product Type: Paperback
    Page Count: 176 pages
    Dimensions: 5.75 x 0.5 x 8.25 inches
    Item Weight: 6.1 ounces

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