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Understanding Money Mojo: How to Get Rich with a Mojo Bag

Understanding Money Mojo: How to Get Rich with a Mojo Bag - Shop Cosmic Healing

Roxy CosmicBeing |

What is a Charm Bag?

When you are in need of an extra boost in cash flow a charm bag may be the spell for you! They are simple, easy to use, and effective at helping attract desires!

Mojo Money Bags are a type of Spell Bag that traditionally, in the Southern United States, were used to bring luck and prosperity.

Mojo Money Bags are used for all types of purposes from personal gain to healing rituals, but they are most commonly used for financial purposes.

In almost every culture across the world there is some sort of charm or symbol that is believed to bring good things into a person’s life. In American culture these charms or symbols can vary from a green frog on your front porch to a horseshoe hanging over the door frame.

Where to carry a Money Charm?

A charm bag/sachet is simply a magic spell inside a bag and the most popular way of carrying power items with you. It is intended to be carried inside your left pocket or in your purse on the left side! It is believed that the left side is the receiving side and therefore it is best to attract desires by placing it in the left side.

Our money drawing sachets are created under the energy of Jupiter day, the day ruled by luck and expansion.

What are Money Sachets used for?

For good luck, money drawing, good luck in gambling, drawing business, & new clients. Keep on your left side such as left pocket or purse placed on the left. The charm bag is filled with magically charged items.

Are Charm bags similar or different than a mojo?

A charm bag is composed of various magically charged items, which may include herbs, charms, drops of essential or magic oils, amulets, and crystals. These are brought together by specific purpose to have the same drawing properties as a mojo, however, they differ in that they are lower maintenance because they do not contain a living spirit. Mojo's contain a living spirit that must be cared for. Because a money sachet does not contain one there is NO need to feed it daily with incense of similar intention.  

How long doe a charm bag spell last?

The draw back is that they only last up to 1 month (could be more depending on your use) while the mojo can last up to 1 year.

What does a charm bag come with?

They come with instructions and an anointing oil a little which can be used before starting your day to attract more clients to your business, before speaking to a person(s) that owes you money, before speaking to a bank regarding a loan, simply pray from your heart and ask that the oil help you in whatever money situations you need help with!

How to obtain best results with money spells?

We recommend that you pair a money spell with our Abre Camino bath. Or before conducting any spell it is imperative that you cleanse your aura of any stale or stagnant energies that surround you. Without clearing these first it makes the sachets job more difficult. When the energy is cleared it may work faster to draw your desires. See Our Abre Camino Baño.


If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Thank you for reading,

Wishing you peace & blessings

Asé ✨🧿✨🧿✨🧿✨🧿✨🧿✨🧿✨🧿


**DISCLAIMER**: All information contained on this website is meant to be for entertainment purposes only, and in no way constitute legal, financial, medical or other advice.

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Joe and Jess thwaite,

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