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All items sold as curious only
All readings and services are for entertainment purposes only and not intended to treat, diagnose, provide financial, legal, or other advise.


At Cosmic Healing LLC, we believe in the limitless potential of energy. However, we adhere to a strict spiritual and personal code of ethics in our practices. We do not perform work intended to cause harm, pain, or suffering to anyone. Our focus is on protection and positive outcomes—we will help keep you and your loved ones safe, but we will not harm others on your behalf.

We do not engage in practices that break up relationships or marriages, nor do we protect criminals from the law or assist them in evading justice.

Our mission is to use the power of energy to bless and protect. We offer our services in areas such as family, marriage, relationships, fertility, health, financial prosperity, wealth, fame, career advancement, creating opportunities, business ventures, property purchases, immigration issues, court cases, and general protection.

While anything is possible with energy, we choose to utilize this power for positive and constructive purposes, bringing blessings and protection to those in need.

Readings and items sold are subject to interpretation and any/all spiritual claims should not be taken as absolute. All readings are done for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading.

Readings, services and products do not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice, any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your reading/service/product are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by Cosmic Healing LLC.'s readers employees or products.

Cosmic Healing LLC assumes no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, products, services or readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that your readings and services will take place.​


Cosmic Healing LLC will not be held liable if the future depicted in the reading has not come to pass, or if it has. The future is ever changing, a single action can shift everything that could occur and so readings are only a glimpse at a current future that could change at any moment; because of this any number of futures exist and I cannot be held accountable if the one depicted did not come to pass. Cosmic Healing LLC is not liable if any item or product was taken as a literal interpretation and not as entertainment or curio purpose only.

Please note we cannot guarantee results or outcomes as each situation is unique. It’s essential for the client to remember that they nor the reader cannot control the message. The client should respect this real fact to avoid disappointment.

Prior to booking please ensure that you're in the right mindset, or emotional state as to being in a mindset to want to hear about what’s really going on in your personal or spiritual development, life journey, or why you might be experiencing difficulties. There is complexity in each situation. Such as with fertility readings perhaps you are not destined to have children in this lifetime or perhaps you are in the wrong relationship. It is the client's responsibility to be in a well and balanced mental health prior to booking and participating in any sort of reading.


All information exchanged between clients and reader/s at Cosmic Healing LLC during readings and/or emails shall remain confidential. No personal information shall be passed on to anyone, including third parties without the client's consent. We care very much about keeping everyone involved in this business safe and looked after. We will not discriminate against or be rude towards any client due to their questions, gender, race or sexual orientation. Anything that you believe is worth consulting us about shall be done with no hesitation.

All store sales are final. No product refunds will be given unless proof of negligence on the part of the company known as 
Cosmic Healing LLCCosmic Healing LLC has the right to terminate any and all readings and ritual services. Refunds will not be given if the reading ended due to client's: rudeness, racist or sexist remarks, vile behavior, technical issues regarding internet for online readings. All readings that have lasted longer than 10 minutes, will not be subject to refund no matter what issues may have arose. For all telephonic/electronic/digital readings we will attempt to reach you three times within the first 10 minutes at the agreed upon contact source i.e. telephone number or instagram, date, and time if we do not receive an answer your appointment will be forfeited and will not be given a refund.


Before purchase of a ritual/service the client is to contact us at or via chat feature on our site to request approval prior to purchase. If we are not contacted 24 hours prior to your purchase and you are a new client you will automatically be disqualified and an automatic refund will be issued to you. It is the buyers responsibility to follow all instructions listed on our site failure to do so will result in termination/disqualification and your space will be offered to the next client. NO spaces will be reserved for failure to follow listed instructions on our site.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may email us at