San Judas Red String Bracelet for Money Protection

St. Judas is a Catholic saint & patron of impossible causes. He is also the guardian of the threshold. Roman Catholics invoke St. Jude when in desperate situations because his New Testament letter stresses that the faithful should persevere in the environment of harsh, difficult circumstances -just as their forefathers had done before them; therefore, he is the patron saint of desperate cases. Saint Jude is not the same person as Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Our Lord and despaired because of his great sin and lack of trust in God's mercy.

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Throughout history and cultures, the red thread (or the red string) has been worn as a representation of protection, faith, good luck, strength, and connection. While some cultures have slightly different views regarding the red thread, they are similar in that they view this red string as a powerful tool.

Genesis 38 mentions the red string to “worn off misfortunes”. It is also generally worn on the left wrist. In Christianity, red is a symbol of fire, blood, and Pentecost. It also became the color of the martyred saints.

In energy work, this bracelet can become a talisman and charged with energies that are to protect the wearer. It is believed that the left side of the body is the receiving side, so wearing it on the left side allows the receiving of good fortunes and luck to come to you. You may purchased a blessed amulet or purchase it plain and use as is without it being charged.

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