Red Smudge Sage 4" (Mountain Sage with Dragon's Blood Resin) For grounding, banishing, cleansing, protection

As if you need any more reasons to love this already amazing herb...Red Smudge Sage is for protection, clearing, and purification! Known to be the most powerful protection herb in the world, this potent herb has been used for centuries in rituals to clear negative energy and create a safe haven. Red Smudge Sage is the perfect addition to any spell work or ritual.

Mountain Sage also known as "Grandmother Sage” it is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications. Blue Sage is widely used for cleansing and purification purposes, it provides spiritual strength and sometimes it is also used during exorcism rituals as well to remove the malevolent spirits.

Dragon's Blood Metaphysical Meaning:

  • Symbol of Root Chakra Protection
  • Grounding
  • Rebirth
  • Healing
  • Protection
  • Banishing
  • Cleansing
  • Blessings
  • Enhance workings

Always burn in a heat safe bowl this can be a abalone shellcast iron cauldroncopper bowlssoap stone, or polished horn. Pair with a turkey feather smudge feather or pheasant feather smudge. 

Price Per Piece
Each piece is approx 4″ (10cm). Sizes are approximate as these are natural products.

Red Smudge Sage 3-4" (mountain sage mix with dragon's blood resin)

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