Health Healing (Salud) To attract good health physically and spiritually

Burn Health white candle to attract good health physically and spiritually. Healing of the body and spirit, Intended to help you in kicking depression, addiction, and other such ailments, this candle is a powerful addition to your healing spells and rituals. 

For Maximum effect, it is wise to burn at least 3 candles. My recommendation is to utilize 1 Saint Candle Saint Lazarus, San Judas, 7 Archangels (who you'll offer the petition to) & 2 other related candles that will add energy to the petition such as Miracle HealingHealthSavila, or Limpia candles will add energy to the petition. You'll feel like a new person after this set! 

 This candle is available as is or as a spiritual blessed candle dressed with herbs, oils, & prayers.


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