Agate Gemstone Saint Benedict Rosary Bracelet

Repel Evil Eye with St.Benedict amulet. This is a gorgeous rosary style bracelet features agate gemstone beads and features Saint Benedict medal. 

In energy work, this bracelet can become a talisman and charged with energies that are to protect the wearer. It is believed that the left side of the body is the receiving side, so wearing it on the left side allows the receiving of good fortunes and luck to come to you. You may purchased a blessed amulet or purchase it plain and use as is without it being charged.

Agate stones are banded in stripes or layers and part of the Chalcedony family. Agate has the power to harmonize Yin and Yang energies, to balance the opposing forces which hold all matter in place. It also brings great strength to the wearer or bearer, although one must accept that this stone works slowly over time. 


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